1. AM Abirami 2021. Active Learning Strategies and Blended Learning Approach for Teaching Under Graduate Software Engineering Course. Journal of Engineering Education Transformations ( 2021 ). AM Abirami 2021. Active Learning Strategies and Blended Learning Approach for Teaching Under Graduate Software Engineering Course. Journal of Engineering Education Transformations (2021).
2. Fernando Almeida 2022. Exploring the Benefits of Combining DevOps and Agile. Future Internet ( 2022 ). Fernando Almeida 2022. Exploring the Benefits of Combining DevOps and Agile. Future Internet (2022).
3. Teaching DevOps in Academia and Industry: Reflections and Vision
4. Teaching DevOps and Cloud Computing using a Cognitive Apprenticeship and Story-Telling Approach
5. Analyzing DevOps Teaching Strategies: An Initial Study