Unconditional security in quantum cryptography


Mayers Dominic1


1. NEC Research Institute, Princeton, New Jersey


Basic techniques to prove the unconditional security of quantum crypto graphy are described. They are applied to a quantum key distribution protocol proposed by Bennett and Brassard [1984]. The proof considers a practical variation on the protocol in which the channel is noisy and photos may be lost during the transmission. Each individual signal sent into the channel must contain a single photon or any two-dimensional system in the exact state described in the protocol. No restriction is imposed on the detector used at the receiving side of the channel, except that whether or not the received system is detected must be independent of the basis used to measure this system.


Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)


Artificial Intelligence,Hardware and Architecture,Information Systems,Control and Systems Engineering,Software

Reference26 articles.

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4. Purification of Noisy Entanglement and Faithful Teleportation via Noisy Channels

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1. Quantum Cryptography;Applications and Principles of Quantum Computing;2024-01-31

2. Quantum repeaters: From quantum networks to the quantum internet;Reviews of Modern Physics;2023-12-20

3. Imperfect phase randomization and generalized decoy-state quantum key distribution;Physical Review Applied;2023-12-18

4. Twin-field quantum encryption protocol for E-payment based on blockchain;Quantum Information Processing;2023-12-08

5. Designing quantum blockchain system integrated with 6G network;Journal of King Saud University - Computer and Information Sciences;2023-12








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