1. 2020. Bill Information Senate Bill 1199 Regular Session 20192020 PA General Assembly. https://www.legis.state.pa.us/cfdocs/billInfo/BillInfo.cfm?syear=2019&sind=0&body=S&type=B&bn=1199. (undefined 2/7/2023 0:29). 2020. Bill Information Senate Bill 1199 Regular Session 20192020 PA General Assembly. https://www.legis.state.pa.us/cfdocs/billInfo/BillInfo.cfm?syear=2019&sind=0&body=S&type=B&bn=1199. (undefined 2/7/2023 0:29).
2. 2022. Starship Technologies completes four million autonomous deliveries. https://www.chargedretail.co.uk/2022/11/07/starship-technologies-completes-four-million-autonomous-deliveries/. (undefined 7/7/2023 5:48). 2022. Starship Technologies completes four million autonomous deliveries. https://www.chargedretail.co.uk/2022/11/07/starship-technologies-completes-four-million-autonomous-deliveries/. (undefined 7/7/2023 5:48).
3. Emily Ackerman . 2019. Lessons From My Standoff With an Autonomous Sidewalk Robot. Bloomberg. com. Retrieved January 21 ( 2019 ), 2021. Emily Ackerman. 2019. Lessons From My Standoff With an Autonomous Sidewalk Robot. Bloomberg. com. Retrieved January 21 (2019), 2021.
4. Cynthia Bennett , Emily Ackerman , Bonnie Fan , Jeffrey Bigham , Patrick Carrington , and Sarah Fox . 2021 . Accessibility and the crowded sidewalk: Micromobility’s impact on public space . In Designing Interactive Systems Conference 2021. 365–380. Cynthia Bennett, Emily Ackerman, Bonnie Fan, Jeffrey Bigham, Patrick Carrington, and Sarah Fox. 2021. Accessibility and the crowded sidewalk: Micromobility’s impact on public space. In Designing Interactive Systems Conference 2021. 365–380.
5. "I was Confused by It; It was Confused by Me:" Exploring the Experiences of People with Visual Impairments around Mobile Service Robots