1. Linus Franke , Laura Fink , Jana Martschinke , Kai Selgrad , and Marc Stamminger . 2021. Time-Warped Foveated Rendering for Virtual Reality Headsets . In Computer Graphics Forum, Vol. 40 . Wiley Online Library , 110–123. Linus Franke, Laura Fink, Jana Martschinke, Kai Selgrad, and Marc Stamminger. 2021. Time-Warped Foveated Rendering for Virtual Reality Headsets. In Computer Graphics Forum, Vol. 40. Wiley Online Library, 110–123.
2. Brian Guenter , Mark Finch , Steven Drucker , Desney Tan , and John Snyder . 2012. Foveated 3D graphics. ACM transactions on Graphics (tOG) 31, 6 ( 2012 ), 1–10. Brian Guenter, Mark Finch, Steven Drucker, Desney Tan, and John Snyder. 2012. Foveated 3D graphics. ACM transactions on Graphics (tOG) 31, 6 (2012), 1–10.
3. A perceptual model for eccentricity-dependent spatio-temporal flicker fusion and its applications to foveated graphics
4. Dynamic perceptive compensation for the rotating snakes illusion with eye tracking
5. Perceptually-based foveated virtual reality