1. GMCM: Graph-based Micro-behavior Conversion Model for Post-click Conversion Rate Estimation
2. Keith Battocchi , Eleanor Dillon , Maggie Hei , Greg Lewis , Paul Oka , Miruna Oprescu , and Vasilis Syrgkanis . 2019. EconML: a Python package for ML-based heterogeneous treatment effects estimation. GitHub ( 2019 ). Keith Battocchi, Eleanor Dillon, Maggie Hei, Greg Lewis, Paul Oka, Miruna Oprescu, and Vasilis Syrgkanis. 2019. EconML: a Python package for ML-based heterogeneous treatment effects estimation. GitHub (2019).
3. Conversational Product Search Based on Negative Feedback
4. Why Do People Buy Seemingly Irrelevant Items in Voice Product Search?
5. XGBoost