1. Payal Bajaj , Daniel Campos , Nick Craswell , Li Deng , Jianfeng Gao , Xiaodong Liu , Rangan Majumder , Andrew McNamara , Bhaskar Mitra , Tri Nguyen , 2016. Ms marco: A human generated machine reading comprehension dataset. arXiv preprint arXiv:1611.09268 ( 2016 ). Payal Bajaj, Daniel Campos, Nick Craswell, Li Deng, Jianfeng Gao, Xiaodong Liu, Rangan Majumder, Andrew McNamara, Bhaskar Mitra, Tri Nguyen, 2016. Ms marco: A human generated machine reading comprehension dataset. arXiv preprint arXiv:1611.09268 (2016).
2. Elias Bassani . 2022. ranx: A Blazing-Fast Python Library for Ranking Evaluation and Comparison . In ECIR (2)(Lecture Notes in Computer Science), Vol. 13186 . Springer , 259–264. Elias Bassani. 2022. ranx: A Blazing-Fast Python Library for Ranking Evaluation and Comparison. In ECIR (2)(Lecture Notes in Computer Science), Vol. 13186. Springer, 259–264.
3. Alessandro Benedetti and Elia Porciani . 2022 . DENSE RETRIEVAL WITH APACHE SOLR NEURAL SEARCH. In ECIR 2022 Industry Day. Alessandro Benedetti and Elia Porciani. 2022. DENSE RETRIEVAL WITH APACHE SOLR NEURAL SEARCH. In ECIR 2022 Industry Day.
4. Out-of-Domain Semantics to the Rescue! Zero-Shot Hybrid Retrieval Models
5. Towards Robust Dense Retrieval via Local Ranking Alignment