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2. Combining Behavior Change Intentions and User Types to Select Suitable Gamification Elements for Persuasive Fitness Systems
3. Ian Bogost. 2011. Gamification is Bullshit: My Position Statement at the Wharton Gamification Symposium. Ian Bogost. 2011. Gamification is Bullshit: My Position Statement at the Wharton Gamification Symposium.
4. Virginia Braun and Victoria Clarke . 2012. Thematic Analysis. APA Handbook of Research Methods in Psychology 2 ( 2012 ). Virginia Braun and Victoria Clarke. 2012. Thematic Analysis. APA Handbook of Research Methods in Psychology 2 (2012).
5. Donald Degraen , Marc Schubhan , Maximilian Altmeyer , and Antonio Krüger . 2021 . Hakoniwa: Enhancing Physical Gamification using Miniature Garden Elements . Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Academic Mindtrek (2021). Donald Degraen, Marc Schubhan, Maximilian Altmeyer, and Antonio Krüger. 2021. Hakoniwa: Enhancing Physical Gamification using Miniature Garden Elements. Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Academic Mindtrek (2021).