1. {n. d.}. Hybrid memory cube specification 2.1. ({n. d.}). https://www.hybridmemorycube.org {n. d.}. Hybrid memory cube specification 2.1. ({n. d.}). https://www.hybridmemorycube.org
2. {n. d.}. internal technology roadmap for semiconductors 2.0. ({n. d.}). https://www.semiconductors.org/ {n. d.}. internal technology roadmap for semiconductors 2.0. ({n. d.}). https://www.semiconductors.org/
3. {n. d.}. JEDEC specifications (Wide I/O HBM). ({n. d.}). https://www.jedec.org {n. d.}. JEDEC specifications (Wide I/O HBM). ({n. d.}). https://www.jedec.org
4. {n. d.}. Technology Roadmap of DRAM for Three Major manufacturers: Samsung SK-Hynix and Micron. ({n. d.}). https://www.techinsights.com/ {n. d.}. Technology Roadmap of DRAM for Three Major manufacturers: Samsung SK-Hynix and Micron. ({n. d.}). https://www.techinsights.com/
5. The Nas Parallel Benchmarks