1. A review of empirical data of sustainability initiatives in university campus operations
2. U N General Assembly . 2015. Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. United Nations: New York , NY , USA ( 2015 ). UN General Assembly. 2015. Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. United Nations: New York, NY, USA (2015).
3. EcoGO: Combining eco-feedback and gamification to improve the sustainability of driving style
4. Raul Oltra Badenes , Vicente Guerola-Navarro , Hermenegildo Gil-Gómez , Dolores Botella-Carrubi , and José-Antonio Gil-Gómez . 2023. Evaluation of the knowledge and commitment that students of a university subject focused on organizational behavior have on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), with the aim of increasing the link between university teaching and the SDGs. Proceedings INNODOCT/22 . International Conference on Innovation, Documentation and Education ( 2023 ), 29–36. Raul Oltra Badenes, Vicente Guerola-Navarro, Hermenegildo Gil-Gómez, Dolores Botella-Carrubi, and José-Antonio Gil-Gómez. 2023. Evaluation of the knowledge and commitment that students of a university subject focused on organizational behavior have on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), with the aim of increasing the link between university teaching and the SDGs. Proceedings INNODOCT/22. International Conference on Innovation, Documentation and Education (2023), 29–36.
5. Social Research: Theory, Methods and Techniques