1. Associations of student characteristics to me asuresofcomputerprpgramming achievement for suburban community 9olle~e students dissertation: University of Michigan. pub. University l{icrofilms international: geeb road Ann Arbor Mi. order# 8612466. Associations of student characteristics to me asuresofcomputerprpgramming achievement for suburban community 9olle~e students dissertation: University of Michigan. pub. University l{icrofilms international: geeb road Ann Arbor Mi. order# 8612466.
2. Personal Assessment Battery. unpublished: Orchard Ridge-Oakland CC Farmington Hills Mi. Personal Assessment Battery. unpublished: Orchard Ridge-Oakland CC Farmington Hills Mi.
3. The effect of a preliminary course on performance in a traditional programming course~ ACM SIGCSE bulletin: VI6#1. The effect of a preliminary course on performance in a traditional programming course~ ACM SIGCSE bulletin: VI6#1.
4. Math proficiency: a key to success for computer science students. Communications of the ACM: V26 #5. 10.1145/69586.358140 Math proficiency: a key to success for computer science students. Communications of the ACM: V26 #5. 10.1145/69586.358140