1. Merwan Achibet , Adrien Girard , Anthony Talvas , Maud Marchal , and Anatole Lécuyer . 2015. Elastic-Arm: Human-scale passive haptic feedback for augmenting interaction and perception in virtual environments. In 2015 IEEE Virtual Reality (VR) . IEEE , 63–68. Merwan Achibet, Adrien Girard, Anthony Talvas, Maud Marchal, and Anatole Lécuyer. 2015. Elastic-Arm: Human-scale passive haptic feedback for augmenting interaction and perception in virtual environments. In 2015 IEEE Virtual Reality (VR). IEEE, 63–68.
2. FlyVIZ
3. Advanced Interaction Techniques for Augmented Reality Applications
4. An Introduction to 3-D User Interface Design
5. John Brooke 1996. SUS-A quick and dirty usability scale. Usability evaluation in industry 189, 194 ( 1996 ), 4–7. John Brooke 1996. SUS-A quick and dirty usability scale. Usability evaluation in industry 189, 194 (1996), 4–7.