The Sound of Swarm. Auditory Description of Swarm Robotic Movements


Mannone Maria1ORCID,Seidita Valeria2ORCID,Chella Antonio3ORCID


1. Department of Engineering, University of Palermo; DAIS - ECLT, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Italy

2. Department of Engineering, University of Palermo, Italy

3. Department of Engineering, University of Palermo; ICAR-CNR National Research Council, Palermo, Italy


Movements of robots in a swarm can be mapped to sounds, highlighting the group behavior through the coordinated and simultaneous variations of musical parameters across time. The vice versa is also possible: Sound parameters can be mapped to robotic motion parameters, giving instructions through sound. In this article, we first develop a theoretical framework to relate musical parameters such as pitch, timbre, loudness, and articulation (for each time) with robotic parameters such as position, identity, motor status, and sensor status. We propose a definition of musical spaces as Hilbert spaces and musical paths between parameters as elements of bigroupoids, generalizing existing conceptions of musical spaces. The use of Hilbert spaces allows us to build up quantum representations of musical states, inheriting quantum computing resources, already used for robotic swarms. We present the theoretical framework and then some case studies as toy examples. In particular, we discuss a 2D video and matrix simulation with two robo-caterpillars; a 2D simulation of 10 robo-ants with Webots; a 3D simulation of three robo-fish in an underwater search-and-rescue mission.


Italian Ministry of University and Research


Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)


Artificial Intelligence,Human-Computer Interaction

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