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2. Addressing Students’ Eco-anxiety when Teaching Sustainability in Higher Education
3. Grande , V. , Kinnunen , P. , Peters , A.-K. , Barr , M. , Åsa , C. , Daniels , M. , Lewis , A. , Sabin , M. , Sánchez-Peña , M , Thota , N. ( 2022 ). Role Modeling as a Computing Educator in Higher Education: A Focus on Care , Emotions and Professional Competencies. Annual Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, ITiCSE. Grande, V., Kinnunen, P., Peters, A.-K., Barr, M., Åsa, C., Daniels, M., Lewis, A., Sabin, M., Sánchez-Peña, M, Thota, N. (2022). Role Modeling as a Computing Educator in Higher Education: A Focus on Care, Emotions and Professional Competencies. Annual Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, ITiCSE.
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5. Summary for Policymakers