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2. Junwhan Ahn, Sungpack Hong, Sungjoo Yoo, Onur Mutlu, and Kiyoung Choi. 2015. A scalable processing-in-memory accelerator for parallel graph processing. In ISCA.
3. Junwhan Ahn, Sungjoo Yoo, Onur Mutlu, and Kiyoung Choi. 2015. PIM-enabled instructions: A low-overhead, locality-aware processing-in-memory architecture. In ISCA.
4. Berkin Akin, Franz Franchetti, and James C. Hoe. 2015. Data reorganization in memory using 3D-stacked DRAM. In ISCA.
5. In-Memory Low-Cost Bit-Serial Addition Using Commodity DRAM Technology