1. The Development of Anwar's Hole Braille System (AHOBS) for Students with Visual Impairment
2. Blackman S. Richardson.A. A. & Fong- Kong Mungal. C. (2013). Special educators' efficacy and exceptional students' future trajectories: informing Barbados' education policy." In Research on the impact of educational policy on teaching and learning by Cynthia Z Szymanski-Sunal and Kagendo Muta 163-181. McCormick Parkway AZ: Information Age Publishing. Blackman S. Richardson.A. A. & Fong- Kong Mungal. C. (2013). Special educators' efficacy and exceptional students' future trajectories: informing Barbados' education policy." In Research on the impact of educational policy on teaching and learning by Cynthia Z Szymanski-Sunal and Kagendo Muta 163-181. McCormick Parkway AZ: Information Age Publishing.
3. Direktorat Pembinaan Sekolah Luar Biasa. ( 2006 ). Identifikasi Anak Berkebutuhan Pendidikan Khusus dalam Pendidikan Inklusif Direktorat Pembinaan Sekolah Luar Biasa. (2006). Identifikasi Anak Berkebutuhan Pendidikan Khusus dalam Pendidikan Inklusif
4. The attitudes of Belgian adolescents towards peers with disabilities
5. Visually Impaireds Critical Thinking Skills (A Comparative Study between Inclusive School and Special School)