Toward Understanding the Design of Intertwined Human–Computer Integrations


Mueller Florian ‘Floyd’1ORCID,Semertzidis Nathan1ORCID,Andres Josh2ORCID,Marshall Joe3ORCID,Benford Steve3ORCID,Li Xiang4ORCID,Matjeka Louise5ORCID,Mehta Yash1ORCID


1. Exertion Games Lab, Department of Human-Centred Computing, Monash University

2. School of Cybernetics, Australian National University and Exertion Games Lab, Department of Human-Centred Computing, Monash University

3. Mixed-Reality Lab, Nottingham University

4. Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge and Exertion Games Lab, Department of Human-Centred Computing, Monash University

5. Computer Science, NTNU, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, and Digital Design, IT University of Copenhagen, and Exertion Games Lab, Monash University


Human–computer integration is an HCI trend in which computational machines can have agency, i.e., take control. Our work focuses on a particular form of integration in which the user and the computational machine share agency over the user's body, that is, can simultaneously (in contrast to a traditional turn-taking approach) control the user's body. The result is a user experience where the agency of the user and the computational machine is so intertwined that it is often no more discernable who contributed what to what extent; we call this “intertwined integration”. Due to the recency of advanced technologies enabling intertwined integration systems, we find that little understanding and documented design knowledge exist. To begin constructing such an understanding, we use three case studies to propose two key dimensions (“awareness of machine's agency” and “alignment of machine's agency”) to articulate a design space for intertwined integration systems. We differentiate four roles that computational machines can assume in this design space (angel, butler, influencer, and adversary). Based on our craft knowledge gained through designing such intertwined integration systems, we discuss strategies to help designers create future systems. Ultimately, we aim at advancing the HCI field's emerging understanding of sharing agency.


Australian Research Council


Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)


Human-Computer Interaction

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2. GesMessages: Using Mid-air Gestures to Manage Notifications;Proceedings of the 2023 ACM Symposium on Spatial User Interaction;2023-10-13

3. Swarm Manipulation in Virtual Reality;Proceedings of the 2023 ACM Symposium on Spatial User Interaction;2023-10-13

4. Auto-Paizo Games: Towards Understanding the Design of Games That Aim to Unify a Player’s Physical Body and the Virtual World;Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction;2023-09-29

5. Fused Spectatorship: Designing Bodily Experiences Where Spectators Become Players;Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction;2023-09-29







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