1. Wang G. and Song X. 2019. Research about evaluation of online education enterprises. China Commerce Discussion (Nov. 2019) 7--8. Wang G. and Song X. 2019. Research about evaluation of online education enterprises. China Commerce Discussion (Nov. 2019) 7--8.
2. Intelligent teaching assistant systems
3. Driver Distraction Identification with an Ensemble of Convolutional Neural Networks
4. Krizhevsky A. Sutskever I. & Hinton G. 2012. ImageNet Classification with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks. NIPS (Vol.25). Curran Associates Inc. Krizhevsky A. Sutskever I. & Hinton G. 2012. ImageNet Classification with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks. NIPS (Vol.25). Curran Associates Inc.
5. Human Body Segmentation via Data-Driven Graph Cut