1. Asking Clarifying Questions in Open-Domain Information-Seeking Conversations
2. Measurement Instruments for the Anthropomorphism, Animacy, Likeability, Perceived Intelligence, and Perceived Safety of Robots
3. Thomas Beelen , Khiet P. Truong , Roeland Ordelman , Ella Velner , Vanessa Evers , and Theo Huibers . 2022 . A Child-Friendly Approach to Spoken Conversational Search . In MICROS'22: Mixed-Initiative ConveRsatiOnal Systems workshop at CIKM 2022. https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3318/short28.pdf Thomas Beelen, Khiet P. Truong, Roeland Ordelman, Ella Velner, Vanessa Evers, and Theo Huibers. 2022. A Child-Friendly Approach to Spoken Conversational Search. In MICROS'22: Mixed-Initiative ConveRsatiOnal Systems workshop at CIKM 2022. https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3318/short28.pdf
4. Thomas Beelen , Ella Velner , Roeland Ordelman , Khiet P. Truong , Vanessa Evers , and Theo Huibers . 2021. Does your robot know? Enhancing children's information retrieval through spoken conversation with responsible robots. IR4Children'21 workshop at SIGIR 2021 , Vol. abs/ 2106 .07931 (2021). showeprint[arXiv]2106.07931 https://arxiv.org/abs/2106.07931 Thomas Beelen, Ella Velner, Roeland Ordelman, Khiet P. Truong, Vanessa Evers, and Theo Huibers. 2021. Does your robot know? Enhancing children's information retrieval through spoken conversation with responsible robots. IR4Children'21 workshop at SIGIR 2021, Vol. abs/2106.07931 (2021). showeprint[arXiv]2106.07931 https://arxiv.org/abs/2106.07931
5. Social robots for education: A review