1. Media
2. Espen Aarseth. 1997 Cybertest. Perspectives on Ergodic Literature. The John Hopkins Press Baltimore MD and London UK. Espen Aarseth. 1997 Cybertest. Perspectives on Ergodic Literature. The John Hopkins Press Baltimore MD and London UK.
3. Espen Aarseth. 2001. Computer Games Studies Year one. Game Studies 1(1) np. Espen Aarseth. 2001. Computer Games Studies Year one. Game Studies 1(1) np.
4. Espen Aarseth. 2003. We all want to change the world: The ideology of innovation and digital media. In Gunnar Liestøl Andrew Morrison and Terje Rasmussen (eds.) Digital Media Revisited: theoretical and conceptual innovation in the digital domains. The MIT Press Cambridge MA 415--439. Espen Aarseth. 2003. We all want to change the world: The ideology of innovation and digital media. In Gunnar Liestøl Andrew Morrison and Terje Rasmussen (eds.) Digital Media Revisited: theoretical and conceptual innovation in the digital domains. The MIT Press Cambridge MA 415--439.