1. Including Neurodiversity in Foundational and Applied Computational Thinking (INFACT)
2. Conceptualizing Celebratory Technologies for Neurodiversity to Reduce Social Stigma
3. John Hopkins University. 2022. The Inclusive Workplace Series: Neurodivergence at a Glance, (Retrieved October 5, 2022). https://www.asahi.com/articles/ASRCY4V52RCQPLZB001.html
4. Junko Saimoto. 2023. Chiikawa” and “Spy Classroom” Welfare agency receives anime order, takes advantage of people with disabilities (In Japanese), (Retrieved December 3, 2023). https://www.asahi.com/articles/ASRCY4V52RCQPLZB001.html
5. Inclusive Quiet Room -for building an inclusive society-