1. Richard Bieringa , Abijith Radhakrishnan , Tavneet Singh , Sophie Vos , Jesse Donkervliet , and Alexandru Iosup . 2021 . An Empirical Evaluation of the Performance of Video Conferencing Systems. In Companion of the ACM/SPEC International Conference on Performance Engineering . 65--71 . Richard Bieringa, Abijith Radhakrishnan, Tavneet Singh, Sophie Vos, Jesse Donkervliet, and Alexandru Iosup. 2021. An Empirical Evaluation of the Performance of Video Conferencing Systems. In Companion of the ACM/SPEC International Conference on Performance Engineering . 65--71.
2. BlazingSQL Inc. 2021 a. BlazingSQL - Source Code Repository on GitHub . URL: https://github.com/BlazingDB . BlazingSQL Inc. 2021 a. BlazingSQL - Source Code Repository on GitHub . URL: https://github.com/BlazingDB .
3. BlazingSQL Inc. 2021 b. BlazingSQL - The Official Homepage . URL: https://blazingsql.com/. BlazingSQL Inc. 2021 b. BlazingSQL - The Official Homepage . URL: https://blazingsql.com/.
4. The Design and Implementation of CoGaDB: A Column-oriented GPU-accelerated DBMS
5. Why it is time for a HyPE