1. Dionysis Alexandridis , Sander CJ Bakkes , Sanne L Nijhof , Elise Van De Putte , and Remco C Veltkamp . 2021 . Ruby’s Mission: Towards an Applied Gaming Intervention for reducing Loneliness of Children with Chronic Illness . In The 16th International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games (FDG) 2021. 1–13. Dionysis Alexandridis, Sander CJ Bakkes, Sanne L Nijhof, Elise Van De Putte, and Remco C Veltkamp. 2021. Ruby’s Mission: Towards an Applied Gaming Intervention for reducing Loneliness of Children with Chronic Illness. In The 16th International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games (FDG) 2021. 1–13.
2. The psychological reality of procedural rhetoric
3. Barrett R Anderson , Christopher R Karzmark , and Noah Wardrip-Fruin . 2020 . We Don’t Play As We Think , But We Think As We Play: Evidence for the Psychological Impact of In-Game Actions. In International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games. 1–11 . Barrett R Anderson, Christopher R Karzmark, and Noah Wardrip-Fruin. 2020. We Don’t Play As We Think, But We Think As We Play: Evidence for the Psychological Impact of In-Game Actions. In International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games. 1–11.
4. DH Barker , KA Driscoll , AC Modi , MJ Light, and AL Quittner . 2012 . Supporting cystic fibrosis disease management during adolescence: the role of family and friends. Child : care, health and development 38, 4 (2012), 497–504. DH Barker, KA Driscoll, AC Modi, MJ Light, and AL Quittner. 2012. Supporting cystic fibrosis disease management during adolescence: the role of family and friends. Child: care, health and development 38, 4 (2012), 497–504.
5. David Barker and Alexandra L Quittner . 2016. A biopsychosocial model of cystic fibrosis: social and emotional functioning, adherence, and quality of life . In Cystic fibrosis . CRC Press , 488–501. David Barker and Alexandra L Quittner. 2016. A biopsychosocial model of cystic fibrosis: social and emotional functioning, adherence, and quality of life. In Cystic fibrosis. CRC Press, 488–501.