1. Roman Bednarik Teresa Busjahn Agostino Gibaldi Bonita Sharif Maria Bielikova Jozef Tvarozek and etal2018. The EMIP dataset. available at URL: http://emipws.org/emip_dataset/. Roman Bednarik Teresa Busjahn Agostino Gibaldi Bonita Sharif Maria Bielikova Jozef Tvarozek and et al.2018. The EMIP dataset. available at URL: http://emipws.org/emip_dataset/.
2. Eye Movements in Code Reading: Relaxing the Linear Order
3. The Influence of Different AOI Models in Source Code Comprehension Analysis
4. Eye movment features in response to comprehension performance during the reading fo programs;Harada Hiroto;Proceedings of ETRA.,2020
5. Data flow metrics in program comprehension tasks