1. Comparing speech recognition and text writing in recording patient health records
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4. “You Get Reminded You’re a Sick Person”: Personal Data Tracking and Patients With Multiple Chronic Conditions
5. Rachel Z. Arndt. [n.d.]. Fitbit and Google want to unite patient-generated and clinical data. https://www.modernhealthcare.com/ article/20180430/TRANSFORMATION01/180439997/fitbit-and-google-want-to-unite-patient-generated-and-clinical-data Accessed: 2021-07--14. Rachel Z. Arndt. [n.d.]. Fitbit and Google want to unite patient-generated and clinical data. https://www.modernhealthcare.com/ article/20180430/TRANSFORMATION01/180439997/fitbit-and-google-want-to-unite-patient-generated-and-clinical-data Accessed: 2021-07--14.