CloseUp—A Community-Driven Live Online Search Engine


Der Weth Christian Von1,Abdul Ashraf1,Kashyap Abhinav R.1,Kankanhalli Mohan S.1


1. National University of Singapore, Singapore


Search engines are still the most common way of finding information on the Web. However, they are largely unable to provide satisfactory answers to time- and location-specific queries. Such queries can best and often only be answered by humans that are currently on-site. Although online platforms for community question answering are very popular, very few exceptions consider the notion of users’ current physical locations. In this article, we present CloseUp, our prototype for the seamless integration of community-driven live search into a Google-like search experience. Our efforts focus on overcoming the defining differences between traditional Web search and community question answering, namely the formulation of search requests (keyword-based queries vs. well-formed questions) and the expected response times (milliseconds vs. minutes/hours). To this end, the system features a deep learning pipeline to analyze submitted queries and translate relevant queries into questions. Searching users can submit suggested questions to a community of mobile users. CloseUp provides a stand-alone mobile application for submitting, browsing, and replying to questions. Replies from mobile users are presented as live results in the search interface. Using a field study, we evaluated the feasibility and practicability of our approach.


National Research Foundation, Prime Minister's Office, Singapore, under its Strategic Capability Research Centres Funding Initiative


Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)


Computer Networks and Communications

Reference77 articles.

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4. User Loyalty and Online Communities: Why Members of Online Communities are not Faithful

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