1. UC Berkeley Compendium of Tips for Teaching with Excellence URL gopher- / / infocal berkeley edu. 70/ii/.p/otherdepts/ttips/GD UC Berkeley Compendium of Tips for Teaching with Excellence URL gopher- / / infocal berkeley edu. 70/ii/.p/otherdepts/ttips/GD
2. Jody Nyquist and Donald Wulff Preparing the Professoriate to Teach (Kendall/Hunt 1991) Jody Nyquist and Donald Wulff Preparing the Professoriate to Teach (Kendall/Hunt 1991)
3. Kenneth E. Eble The Craft of Teaching (Jossey- Bass 1988) Kenneth E. Eble The Craft of Teaching (Jossey- Bass 1988)
4. Leo Lambert and Stacy Lane Tice Preparing Graduate Students to Teach: A Guide to Programs that Improve Undergraduate Education and Develop Tomorrow's Faculty (American Association of Higher Education 1993) Leo Lambert and Stacy Lane Tice Preparing Graduate Students to Teach: A Guide to Programs that Improve Undergraduate Education and Develop Tomorrow's Faculty (American Association of Higher Education 1993)