1. J Agrawal R and Dewitt D Integrated Concurrence Control and Recover Mechanisms Design and Performance Evaluation Technical Report No 497 Computer SCI- ences Department University of Wisconsm- Madison February 1983 J Agrawal R and Dewitt D Integrated Concurrence Control and Recover Mechanisms Design and Performance Evaluation Technical Report No 497 Computer SCI- ences Department University of Wisconsm- Madison February 1983
2. Agrawal R Concurrent) Control and Recover 111 Multcprocessor Database Machines Design and Performance Evaluanon Ph D Thesis Computer Sciences Department University of Wisconsin- Madison I983 Agrawal R Concurrent) Control and Recover 111 Multcprocessor Database Machines Design and Performance Evaluanon Ph D Thesis Computer Sciences Department University of Wisconsin- Madison I983
3. Badal D 'Correctness of Concurrency Control and lmplicabons in Distributed Databases Proceedrngs of the COMPSAC '79 Conference Chicago Illinois November 1979 Badal D 'Correctness of Concurrency Control and lmplicabons in Distributed Databases Proceedrngs of the COMPSAC '79 Conference Chicago Illinois November 1979
4. Why control of the concurrency level in distributed systems is more fundamental than deadlock management
5. Bernstein P and Goodman N Fundamental Algorcthms for Concurrent\ Control m Dutnbuted Database Svstems Technical Report Computer Corporanon of America 1980 Bernstein P and Goodman N Fundamental Algorcthms for Concurrent\ Control m Dutnbuted Database Svstems Technical Report Computer Corporanon of America 1980