Flattened butterfly


Kim John1,Dally William J.1,Abts Dennis2


1. Stanford University, Stanford, CA

2. Cray Inc., Chippewa Falls, WI


Increasing integrated-circuit pin bandwidth has motivateda corresponding increase in the degree or radix of interconnection networksand their routers. This paper introduces the flattened butterfly, a cost-efficient topology for high-radix networks. On benign (load-balanced) traffic, the flattened butterfly approaches the cost/performance of a butterfly network and has roughly half the cost of a comparable performance Clos network.The advantage over the Clos is achieved by eliminating redundant hopswhen they are not needed for load balance. On adversarial traffic, the flattened butterfly matches the cost/performance of a folded-Clos network and provides an order of magnitude better performance than a conventional butterfly.In this case, global adaptive routing is used to switchthe flattened butterfly from minimal to non-minimal routing - usingredundant hops only when they are needed. Minimal and non-minimal, oblivious and adaptive routing algorithms are evaluated on the flattened butterfly.We show that load-balancing adversarial traffic requires non-minimalglobally-adaptive routing and show that sequential allocators are required to avoid transient load imbalance when using adaptive routing algorithms.We also compare the cost of the flattened butterfly to folded-Clos, hypercube,and butterfly networks with identical capacityand show that the flattened butterfly is more cost-efficient thanfolded-Clos and hypercube topologies.


Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)

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2. Efficient implementation of multi-level Dragonfly networks with Hamming graph for future optical networks;Journal of Optics;2023-05-30

3. All-to-All Broadcast Algorithm in Galaxyfly Networks;Mathematics;2023-05-26

4. MQL: ML-Assisted Queuing Latency Analysis for Data Center Networks;2023 IEEE International Symposium on Performance Analysis of Systems and Software (ISPASS);2023-04

5. Learned Load Balancing;Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Distributed Computing and Networking;2023-01-04








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