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2. Data excellence for AI
3. Agathe Balayn and Seda Gürses . 2021 . Beyond Debiasing: Regulating AI and its inequalities. EDRi Report. https://edri. org/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/EDRi_Beyond-Debiasing-Report_Online. pdf (2021). Agathe Balayn and Seda Gürses. 2021. Beyond Debiasing: Regulating AI and its inequalities. EDRi Report. https://edri. org/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/EDRi_Beyond-Debiasing-Report_Online. pdf (2021).
4. Managing bias and unfairness in data for decision support: a survey of machine learning and data engineering approaches to identify and mitigate bias and unfairness within data management and analytics systems
5. Themis-ml: A Fairness-Aware Machine Learning Interface for End-To-End Discrimination Discovery and Mitigation