1. Smart3DGuides: Making Unconstrained Immersive 3D Drawing More Accurate
2. The Effect of Spatial Ability on Immersive 3D Drawing
3. The Cage
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5. Senthil Chandrasegaran , Devarajan Ramanujan , and Niklas Elmqvist . 2018. How Do Sketching and Non-Sketching Actions Convey Design Intent? June ( 2018 ), 373--385. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/3196709.3196723 Senthil Chandrasegaran, Devarajan Ramanujan, and Niklas Elmqvist. 2018. How Do Sketching and Non-Sketching Actions Convey Design Intent? June (2018), 373--385. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/3196709.3196723