1. J. Berthomieu , Ch. Eder , and M. Safey El Din. Msolve: A library for solving polynomial systems . In Proceedings of ISSAC'21 , pages 51 -- 58 . ACM, 2021 . J. Berthomieu, Ch. Eder, and M. Safey El Din. Msolve: A library for solving polynomial systems. In Proceedings of ISSAC'21, pages 51--58. ACM, 2021.
2. Dense Linear Algebra over Word-Size Prime Fields
3. A new efficient algorithm for computing Gröbner bases (F4)
4. Sparse FGLM algorithms
5. The FFLAS-FF PACK group. FFLAS-FFPACK: Finite Field Linear Algebra Subroutines / Package, v2.4.1 edition , 2019 . http://github.com/linbox-team/fflas-ffpack. The FFLAS-FFPACK group. FFLAS-FFPACK: Finite Field Linear Algebra Subroutines / Package, v2.4.1 edition, 2019. http://github.com/linbox-team/fflas-ffpack.