In-Datacenter Performance Analysis of a Tensor Processing Unit
Jouppi Norman P.1, Young Cliff1, Patil Nishant1, Patterson David1, Agrawal Gaurav1, Bajwa Raminder1, Bates Sarah1, Bhatia Suresh1, Boden Nan1, Borchers Al1, Boyle Rick1, Cantin Pierre-luc1, Chao Clifford1, Clark Chris1, Coriell Jeremy1, Daley Mike1, Dau Matt1, Dean Jeffrey1, Gelb Ben1, Ghaemmaghami Tara Vazir1, Gottipati Rajendra1, Gulland William1, Hagmann Robert1, Ho C. Richard1, Hogberg Doug1, Hu John1, Hundt Robert1, Hurt Dan1, Ibarz Julian1, Jaffey Aaron1, Jaworski Alek1, Kaplan Alexander1, Khaitan Harshit1, Killebrew Daniel1, Koch Andy1, Kumar Naveen1, Lacy Steve1, Laudon James1, Law James1, Le Diemthu1, Leary Chris1, Liu Zhuyuan1, Lucke Kyle1, Lundin Alan1, MacKean Gordon1, Maggiore Adriana1, Mahony Maire1, Miller Kieran1, Nagarajan Rahul1, Narayanaswami Ravi1, Ni Ray1, Nix Kathy1, Norrie Thomas1, Omernick Mark1, Penukonda Narayana1, Phelps Andy1, Ross Jonathan1, Ross Matt1, Salek Amir1, Samadiani Emad1, Severn Chris1, Sizikov Gregory1, Snelham Matthew1, Souter Jed1, Steinberg Dan1, Swing Andy1, Tan Mercedes1, Thorson Gregory1, Tian Bo1, Toma Horia1, Tuttle Erick1, Vasudevan Vijay1, Walter Richard1, Wang Walter1, Wilcox Eric1, Yoon Doe Hyun1
1. Google, Inc., Mountain View, CA USA
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