Parallelism-Aware Batch Scheduling


Mutlu Onur,Moscibroda Thomas


In a chip-multiprocessor (CMP) system, the DRAM system isshared among cores. In a shared DRAM system, requests from athread can not only delay requests from other threads by causingbank/bus/row-buffer conflicts but they can also destroy other threads’DRAM-bank-level parallelism. Requests whose latencies would otherwisehave been overlapped could effectively become serialized. As aresult both fairness and system throughput degrade, and some threadscan starve for long time periods.This paper proposes a fundamentally new approach to designinga shared DRAM controller that provides quality of service to threads,while also improving system throughput. Our parallelism-aware batchscheduler (PAR-BS) design is based on two key ideas. First, PARBSprocesses DRAM requests in batches to provide fairness and toavoid starvation of requests. Second, to optimize system throughput,PAR-BS employs a parallelism-aware DRAM scheduling policythat aims to process requests from a thread in parallel in the DRAMbanks, thereby reducing the memory-related stall-time experienced bythe thread. PAR-BS seamlessly incorporates support for system-levelthread priorities and can provide different service levels, includingpurely opportunistic service, to threads with different priorities.We evaluate the design trade-offs involved in PAR-BS and compareit to four previously proposed DRAM scheduler designs on 4-, 8-, and16-core systems. Our evaluations show that, averaged over 100 4-coreworkloads, PAR-BS improves fairness by 1.11X and system throughputby 8.3% compared to the best previous scheduling technique, Stall-Time Fair Memory (STFM) scheduling. Based on simple request prioritizationrules, PAR-BS is also simpler to implement than STFM.


Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)

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