1. Attentional enhancement of spatial resolution: linking behavioural and neurophysiological evidence
2. E Leslie Cameron , Joanna C Tai , and Marisa Carrasco . 2002. Covert attention affects the psychometric function of contrast sensitivity. Vision research 42, 8 ( 2002 ), 949--967. E Leslie Cameron, Joanna C Tai, and Marisa Carrasco. 2002. Covert attention affects the psychometric function of contrast sensitivity. Vision research 42, 8 (2002), 949--967.
3. Marisa Carrasco . 2011. Visual attention: The past 25 years. Vision research 51, 13 ( 2011 ), 1484--1525. Marisa Carrasco. 2011. Visual attention: The past 25 years. Vision research 51, 13 (2011), 1484--1525.
4. Marisa Carrasco . 2018. How visual spatial attention alters perception. Cognitive processing 19, 1 ( 2018 ), 77--88. Marisa Carrasco. 2018. How visual spatial attention alters perception. Cognitive processing 19, 1 (2018), 77--88.
5. Marisa Carrasco , Anna Marie Giordano, and Brian McElree . 2006 . Attention speeds processing across eccentricity: Feature and conjunction searches. Vision research 46, 13 (2006), 2028--2040. Marisa Carrasco, Anna Marie Giordano, and Brian McElree. 2006. Attention speeds processing across eccentricity: Feature and conjunction searches. Vision research 46, 13 (2006), 2028--2040.