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2. A comparison of the field data management and its representation in secondary CS curricula
3. Joseph Hallett Robert Larson and Awais Rashid. 2018. Mirror mirror on the wall: What are we teaching them all? Characterising the focus of cybersecurity curricular frameworks. In 2018 {USENIX} Workshop on Advances in Security Education ({ASE} 18). Joseph Hallett Robert Larson and Awais Rashid. 2018. Mirror mirror on the wall: What are we teaching them all? Characterising the focus of cybersecurity curricular frameworks. In 2018 { USENIX } Workshop on Advances in Security Education ( { ASE } 18) .
4. Philipp Mayring. 2004. Qualitative content analysis. A companion to qualitative research 1 2004 (2004) 159--176. Philipp Mayring. 2004. Qualitative content analysis. A companion to qualitative research 1 2004 (2004) 159--176.
5. Bringing Cyber to School: Integrating Cybersecurity Into Secondary School Education