1. Speech and language therapy interventions for children with primary speech and/or language disorders
2. A Protocol to Assess Usability and Feasibility of e-SpeechT, a Web-based System Supporting Speech Therapies
3. Switching Learning Methods during the Pandemic: A Quasi-Experimental Study on a Master Course
4. Vita Santa Barletta Fabio Cassano Alessandro Pagano and Antonio Piccinno. 2022. A collaborative AI dataset creation for speech therapies. In CEUR WORKSHOP PROCEEDINGS Vol. 3136. CEUR-WS 81–85. Vita Santa Barletta Fabio Cassano Alessandro Pagano and Antonio Piccinno. 2022. A collaborative AI dataset creation for speech therapies. In CEUR WORKSHOP PROCEEDINGS Vol. 3136. CEUR-WS 81–85.
5. Fabio Cassano , Alessandro Pagano , and Antonio Piccinno . 2022. Supporting Speech Therapies at (Smart) Home Through Voice Assistance . In Ambient Intelligence – Software and Applications – 12th International Symposium on Ambient Intelligence , Paulo Novais, Joao Carneiro, and Pablo Chamoso (Eds.). Springer International Publishing , Cham , 105–113. Fabio Cassano, Alessandro Pagano, and Antonio Piccinno. 2022. Supporting Speech Therapies at (Smart) Home Through Voice Assistance. In Ambient Intelligence – Software and Applications – 12th International Symposium on Ambient Intelligence, Paulo Novais, Joao Carneiro, and Pablo Chamoso (Eds.). Springer International Publishing, Cham, 105–113.