1. Synchronous Byzantine Agreement with Expected O(1) Rounds, Expected $$O(n^2)$$ Communication, and Optimal Resilience
2. Baruch Awerbuch . Complexity of network synchronization. Journal of the ACM (JACM), 32(4):804-823 , 1985 . Baruch Awerbuch. Complexity of network synchronization. Journal of the ACM (JACM), 32(4):804-823, 1985.
3. Saâd Biaz and Jennifer L. Welch . Closed form bounds for clock synchronization under simple uncertainty assumptions. Information Processing Letters (IPL), 80(3):151-157 , 2001 . Saâd Biaz and Jennifer L. Welch. Closed form bounds for clock synchronization under simple uncertainty assumptions. Information Processing Letters (IPL), 80(3):151-157, 2001.
4. The Byzantine generals strike again
5. The Byzantine generals strike again