ImageEye: Batch Image Processing using Program Synthesis


Barnaby Celeste1ORCID,Chen Qiaochu1ORCID,Samanta Roopsha2ORCID,Dillig Işıl1ORCID


1. University of Texas at Austin, USA

2. Purdue University, USA


This paper presents a new synthesis-based approach for batch image processing. Unlike existing tools that can only apply global edits to the entire image, our method can apply fine-grained edits to individual objects within the image. For example, our method can selectively blur or crop specific objects that have a certain property. To facilitate such fine-grained image editing tasks, we propose a neuro-symbolic domain-specific language (DSL) that combines pre-trained neural networks for image classification with other language constructs that enable symbolic reasoning. Our method can automatically learn programs in this DSL from user demonstrations by utilizing a novel synthesis algorithm. We have implemented the proposed technique in a tool called ImageEye and evaluated it on 50 image editing tasks. Our evaluation shows that ImageEye is able to automate 96% of these tasks.




Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)


Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality,Software

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3. Relational Synthesis of Recursive Programs via Constraint Annotated Tree Automata;Lecture Notes in Computer Science;2024







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