HLS-IRT: Hardware Trojan Insertion through Modification of Intermediate Representation During High-Level Synthesis


Mukherjee Rijoy1ORCID,Ghosh Archisman2ORCID,Chakraborty Rajat Subhra1ORCID


1. Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, Kharagpur, India

2. Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, United States


Modern integrated circuit (IC) design incorporates the usage of proprietary computer-aided design (CAD) software and integration of third-party hardware intellectual property (IP) cores. Subsequently, the fabrication process for the design takes place in untrustworthy offshore foundries that raises concerns regarding security and reliability. Hardware Trojans (HTs) are difficult to detect malicious modifications to IC that constitute a major threat, which if undetected prior to deployment, can lead to catastrophic functional failures or the unauthorized leakage of confidential information. Apart from the risks posed by rogue human agents, recent studies have shown that high-level synthesis (HLS) CAD software can serve as a potent attack vector for inserting HTs. In this article, we introduce a novel automated attack vector, which we term “HLS-IRT”, by inserting HT in the register transfer logic (RTL) description of circuits generated during an HLS based IC design flow, by directly modifying the compiler-generated intermediate representation (IR) corresponding to the design. We demonstrate the attack using a design and implementation flow based on the open-source Bambu HLS software and Xilinx FPGA, on several hardware accelerators spanning different application domains. Our results show that the resulting HTs are surreptitious and effective, while incurring minimal design overhead. We also propose a novel detection scheme for HLS-IRT, since existing techniques are found to be inadequate to detect the proposed HTs.


Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)

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