1. Tom Alby. 2023. The Data Dilemma: Google Analytics’ Untapped Potential and Web Data Literacy. In Proceedings of the LWDA 2023 Workshops: BIA, DB, IR, KDML and WM.CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Marburg, Germany, 311–324.
2. Popular, but hardly used: Has Google Analytics been to the detriment of Web Analytics?
3. Tom Alby and Robert Jäschke. 2022. Analyzing the web: Are top websites lists a good choice for research?. In Linking theory and practice of digital libraries, Gianmaria Silvello, Oscar Corcho, Paolo Manghi, Giorgio Maria Di Nunzio, Koraljka Golub, Nicola Ferro, and Antonella Poggi (Eds.). Springer International Publishing, Cham, 11–25.
4. Data, information and knowledge: have we got it right?
5. What Web Analysts Can Do for Human-Computer Interaction?