The SuperCodelet architecture


Diaz Jose M Monsalve1,Harms Kevin1,Guaitero Rafael A. Herrera2,Perdomo Diego A. Roa2,Kumaran Kalyan1,Gao Guang R.


1. Argonne National Lab

2. University of Delaware



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1. Towards Fault Tolerance and Resilience in the Sequential Codelet Model;Communications in Computer and Information Science;2024

2. Enabling HW-Based Task Scheduling in Large Multicore Architectures;IEEE Transactions on Computers;2024-01

3. A gem5 Implementation of the Sequential Codelet Model: Reducing Overhead and Expanding the Software Memory Interface;Proceedings of the SC '23 Workshops of The International Conference on High Performance Computing, Network, Storage, and Analysis;2023-11-12

4. Towards Maximum Throughput of Dataflow Software Pipeline under Resource Constraints;Proceedings of the 14th International Workshop on Programming Models and Applications for Multicores and Manycores;2023-02-25







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