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2. Howard Barringer, Ylies Falcone, Klaus Havelund, Giles Reger, and David Rydeheard. 2012. Quantified event automata: Towards expressive and efficient runtime monitors. In FM 2012: Formal Methods. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Berlin, Heidelberg, 68--84.
3. Ezio Bartocci, Yliès Falcone, Adrian Francalanza, and Giles Reger. 2018. Introduction to Runtime Verification. Springer International Publishing, Cham, 1--33.
4. Ezio Bartocci, Niveditha Manjunath, Leonardo Mariani, Cristinel Mateis, and Dejan Ničković. 2019. Automatic failure explanation in CPS models. In International Conference on Software Engineering and Formal Methods. Springer, Cham, 69--86.
5. Runtime Verification for LTL and TLTL