Distributed garbage collection for general graphs


Brandt Steven R.1,Krishnan Hari1,Busch Costas1,Sharma Gokarna2


1. Louisiana State University, USA

2. Kent State University, USA



Reference25 articles.

1. Garbage collecting the Internet

2. Starting with termination: A methodology for building distributed garbage collection algorithms;Blackburn Stephen M.;Aust. Comput. Sci. Commun.,2001

3. Concurrent, parallel garbage collection in linear time

4. D.R. Brownbridge . Cyclic reference counting for combinator machines. In Jean-Pierre Jouannaud editor Functional Programming Languages and Computer Architecture volume 201 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science pages 273– 288 . 1985. Procedure action(sender): if cd = NULLthen return toggle() if old weight < weightthen PhantomizeAll(sender) else if is initiator()then action initiator(sender) else if cd.recv = HEALTHYthen if cd.phantom count = 0 and cd.rcc = 0 and cd.wait count = 0then return to sender(sender) cd = NULL else if cd.recv = PHANTOMthen if not phantom flag() and (old weight < weight or strong count = 0)then PhantomizeAll(sender) else if cd.incrRCC and phantom flag()then ClaimAll() else return to parent() else if cd.recv = RECOVERthen if cd.state RECOVERthen if strong count > 0then BuildAll(sender) else if phantom flag()then RecoverAll() else PhantomizeAll(sender) else if strong count > 0then BuildAll(sender) else if weak count > 0then PhantomizeAll(sender) else return to parent() else if cd.recv = BUILDthen if phantom flag()then BuildAll(sender) else return to parent() if cd.phantom count = 0then return to sender(sender) cd = NULL else if cd.recv = INFECTEDthen if cd.state INFECTEDthen if phantom flag()then InfectAll() if ready() and strong count = 0 and weak count = 0 and cd.phantom count = 0then cd.state = DEAD Procedure Phantom Flag(): if cd = NULLthen return FALSE else return cd.state = PHANTOM or RECOVER or INFECTED D.R. Brownbridge. Cyclic reference counting for combinator machines. In Jean-Pierre Jouannaud editor Functional Programming Languages and Computer Architecture volume 201 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science pages 273–288. 1985. Procedure action(sender): if cd = NULLthen return toggle() if old weight < weightthen PhantomizeAll(sender) else if is initiator()then action initiator(sender) else if cd.recv = HEALTHYthen if cd.phantom count = 0 and cd.rcc = 0 and cd.wait count = 0then return to sender(sender) cd = NULL else if cd.recv = PHANTOMthen if not phantom flag() and (old weight < weight or strong count = 0)then PhantomizeAll(sender) else if cd.incrRCC and phantom flag()then ClaimAll() else return to parent() else if cd.recv = RECOVERthen if cd.state RECOVERthen if strong count > 0then BuildAll(sender) else if phantom flag()then RecoverAll() else PhantomizeAll(sender) else if strong count > 0then BuildAll(sender) else if weak count > 0then PhantomizeAll(sender) else return to parent() else if cd.recv = BUILDthen if phantom flag()then BuildAll(sender) else return to parent() if cd.phantom count = 0then return to sender(sender) cd = NULL else if cd.recv = INFECTEDthen if cd.state INFECTEDthen if phantom flag()then InfectAll() if ready() and strong count = 0 and weak count = 0 and cd.phantom count = 0then cd.state = DEAD Procedure Phantom Flag(): if cd = NULLthen return FALSE else return cd.state = PHANTOM or RECOVER or INFECTED

5. A Study on Garbage Collection Algorithms for Big Data Environments

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