1. Harold Abelson and Andrea DiSessa . 1986. Turtle geometry: The computer as a medium for exploring mathematics . MIT press . Harold Abelson and Andrea DiSessa. 1986. Turtle geometry: The computer as a medium for exploring mathematics. MIT press.
2. Edith Ackermann . 2001. Piaget’s constructivism , Papert’s constructionism: What’s the difference. Future of learning group publication 5, 3 ( 2001 ), 438. Edith Ackermann. 2001. Piaget’s constructivism, Papert’s constructionism: What’s the difference. Future of learning group publication 5, 3 (2001), 438.
3. A Visual Programming Environment for Learning Distributed Programming
4. Integrating the Constructionist Learning Theory with Computational Thinking Classroom Activities
5. William Finzer . 2016. Common online data analysis platform (CODAP) . Emeryville, CA : The Concord Consortium .[Online: concord. org/codap] ( 2016 ). William Finzer. 2016. Common online data analysis platform (CODAP). Emeryville, CA: The Concord Consortium.[Online: concord. org/codap] (2016).