1. Christopher Alexander Sara Ishikawa and Murray Silverstein. 1977. A Pattern Language: Towns Buildings Construction. Oxford University Press. 1171 pages. Christopher Alexander Sara Ishikawa and Murray Silverstein. 1977. A Pattern Language: Towns Buildings Construction. Oxford University Press. 1171 pages.
2. Association for Computing Machinery 1994. Why a Conference on Pattern Languages? Software Engineering Notes 19 (January 1994) 50--52 pages. Association for Computing Machinery 1994. Why a Conference on Pattern Languages? Software Engineering Notes 19 (January 1994) 50--52 pages.
3. Owen Astrachan {n. d.}. Presentation: OO Overkill - When Simple is Better than Not. ({n. d.}). PowerPoint Presentation provided by Duke University Department of Computer Science. Owen Astrachan {n. d.}. Presentation: OO Overkill - When Simple is Better than Not. ({n. d.}). PowerPoint Presentation provided by Duke University Department of Computer Science.
4. Owen Astrachan. 2001. OO Overkill: when simple is better than not. (2001) 302--306 pages 10.1145/364447.364608 Owen Astrachan. 2001. OO Overkill: when simple is better than not. (2001) 302--306 pages 10.1145/364447.364608
5. Kent Beck. 1997. Smalltalk Best Practice Patterns. Prentice Hall. Kent Beck. 1997. Smalltalk Best Practice Patterns. Prentice Hall.