Feel Free to Interrupt


Attia Sameh1ORCID,Betz Vaughn1


1. University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario


Saving and restoring an FPGA task state in an orderly manner is essential to enable hardware checkpointing, which is highly desirable to improve the ability to debug cloud-scale hardware services, and context switching, which allows multiple users to share FPGA resources. However, these features require task interruption, and stopping a task at an arbitrary time can cause several hazards including deadlock and data loss. In this article, we build a context saving and restoring simulator to simulate and identify these hazards. In addition, we derive design rules that should be followed to achieve safe task interruption. Finally, we propose task wrappers that can be placed around an FPGA task to implement these rules. The timing and area overheads added by these wrappers are very small; they add 1.8% area and no timing overhead to a full Memcached system. Taken together, these design rules and wrappers enable safe checkpointing and context switching in a wide variety of FPGA tasks, including those with multiple clocks, multi-cycle I/O transactions, and interface dependencies.


NSERC/Intel Industrial Research Chair in Programmable Silicon

Canadian Foundation for Innovation

Connaught Scholarship


Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)


General Computer Science

Reference35 articles.

1. Safe Task Interruption for FPGAs

2. Generating Efficient Context-Switch Capable Circuits through Autonomous Design Flow

3. Accelerating Memcached on AWS Cloud FPGAs

4. Dormando. 2018. Memcached—A Distributed Memory Object Caching System. Retrieved from http://memcached.org/. Dormando. 2018. Memcached—A Distributed Memory Object Caching System. Retrieved from http://memcached.org/.

5. Alibaba Cloud ECS. 2018. Deep Dive into Alibaba Cloud F3 FPGA as a Service Instances. Retrieved from https://www.alibabacloud.com/blog/deep-dive-into-alibaba-cloud-f3-fpga-as-a-service-instances_594057. Alibaba Cloud ECS. 2018. Deep Dive into Alibaba Cloud F3 FPGA as a Service Instances. Retrieved from https://www.alibabacloud.com/blog/deep-dive-into-alibaba-cloud-f3-fpga-as-a-service-instances_594057.

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2. Countermeasures Against Voltage Attacks in Multi-tenant FPGAs;Security of FPGA-Accelerated Cloud Computing Environments;2023-09-18

3. Fault Recovery from Multi-Tenant FPGA Voltage Attacks;Proceedings of the Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI 2023;2023-06-05

4. Vidi: Record Replay for Reconfigurable Hardware;Proceedings of the 28th ACM International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems, Volume 3;2023-03-25

5. ENCORE: Efficient Architecture Verification Framework with FPGA Acceleration;Proceedings of the 2023 ACM/SIGDA International Symposium on Field Programmable Gate Arrays;2023-02-12








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