1. Jürgen Börstler , Mark S Hall , Marie Nordström , James H Paterson , Kate Sanders , Carsten Schulte , and Lynda Thomas . 2010. An evaluation of object oriented example programs in introductory programming textbooks. SIGCSE Bulletin ( 2010 ). Jürgen Börstler, Mark S Hall, Marie Nordström, James H Paterson, Kate Sanders, Carsten Schulte, and Lynda Thomas. 2010. An evaluation of object oriented example programs in introductory programming textbooks. SIGCSE Bulletin (2010).
2. Jürgen Börstler , Harald Störrle , Daniel Toll , Jelle Van Assema , Rodrigo Duran, Sara Hooshangi, Johan Jeuring, Hieke Keuning, Carsten Kleiner, and Bonnie MacKellar. 2018 . " I know it when I see it" Perceptions of Code Quality: ITiCSE'17 Working Group Report . In ITiCSE. Jürgen Börstler, Harald Störrle, Daniel Toll, Jelle Van Assema, Rodrigo Duran, Sara Hooshangi, Johan Jeuring, Hieke Keuning, Carsten Kleiner, and Bonnie MacKellar. 2018. " I know it when I see it" Perceptions of Code Quality: ITiCSE'17 Working Group Report. In ITiCSE.
3. Martin Fowler. 2018. Refactoring: improving the design of existing code. Martin Fowler. 2018. Refactoring: improving the design of existing code.
4. Cruz Izu Paul Denny and Sayoni Roy. 2022. A Resource to Support Novices Refactoring Conditional Statements. In ITiCSE. Cruz Izu Paul Denny and Sayoni Roy. 2022. A Resource to Support Novices Refactoring Conditional Statements. In ITiCSE.
5. Hieke Keuning Bastiaan Heeren and Johan Jeuring. 2017. Code quality issues in student programs. In ITiCSE. Hieke Keuning Bastiaan Heeren and Johan Jeuring. 2017. Code quality issues in student programs. In ITiCSE.