1. A precise numerical analysis program
2. ABRAMOWlTZ M AND STEGUN I.A. Handbook of Mathematwal Function s. Nat. Bur. of Standards Washington D.C. 1964. ABRAMOWlTZ M AND STEGUN I.A. Handbook of Mathematwal Function s. Nat. Bur. of Standards Washington D.C. 1964.
3. American National Standard Fortran (ANSI X3.9-1966) Amer. Nat. Standards Inst. New York 1966. See also Comm. ACM 12 5 (May 1969) 289-294 and Comm. ACM 1~ 10 (Oct. 1971) 628-642. American National Standard Fortran (ANSI X3.9-1966) Amer. Nat. Standards Inst. New York 1966. See also Comm. ACM 12 5 (May 1969) 289-294 and Comm. ACM 1~ 10 (Oct. 1971) 628-642.
4. Multiple-precision arithmetic and the exact calculation of the 3-
and 9-
5. BEYER W.A. AND WATERMAN M.S. Decimals and partial quotients of Euler's constant and ln(2). Submitted to Math. Comput. BEYER W.A. AND WATERMAN M.S. Decimals and partial quotients of Euler's constant and ln(2). Submitted to Math. Comput.