Agribusiness logistics: an analysis of brazilian soy and corn transport operations


Duarte Soliani RodrigoORCID,


Soy and corn are the most representative crops in national agricultural production of grains. Logistics activities are directly related to the competitiveness of agricultural commodities on the foreign market, so that the favorable characteristics of the productive segment only become competitive advantages for the country if there is an efficient logistics system. In this sense, the present study aimed to investigate transportation in the context of Brazilian agribusiness, focusing on soy and corn production chains. Thus, from a bibliographic search and semi-structured interviews with executives from the agro-industrial logistics sector, the investigation was oriented to identify and analyze the main logistical aspects related to the flow of Brazilian grain production. For agricultural commodities, logistical costs have a greater influence on competitiveness, as they are goods with low added value and are generally transported in large volumes. This fact makes the waterway and the railway modes more appropriate for the transportation of these products, due to the ability to move large volumes while consuming little fuel, that is, greater energy and economic efficiency in long distance journeys. Among the main aspects of infrastructure and operation identified, the poor state of repair of the Brazilian road network stands out, with only 12.4% of its roads paved; the low density of the tracks of the railroad and waterway systems when compared with other countries; the small participation of waterways (20%) and railways (15%) in the national transportation matrix. In order to be able to monitor the development of its agricultural production, the country needs to invest in the structuring logistics infrastructure, destined to rail, waterway and cabotage services, and to increase the productivity of the existing assets.


Fondo Editorial Universitario Servando Garcés de la Universidad Politécnica Territorial de Falcón Alonso Gamero / Alianza de Investigadores Internacionales S.A.S.

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