At the present time, ICT (Information and Communication Technology) is recognised as a pressing consideration ineducational establishments worldwide. Accordingly, the present research proved to be valuable to teaching staff,teachers in (Special Educational Needs) SEN and leaders in schools. This work’s aim was centred on explaining andexamining the viewpoints and experiences of teachers in regard to the adoption of ICT for learners with SEN (SpecialEducational Needs) in the overall learning setting, and identifying the relationship between inclusion and ICT.Moreover, the various approaches and conditions centred on making ICT more inclusive have been established.Qualitative interviews were carried out with a sample of twenty teachers, the findings of which suggest the adoption ofICT for learners with SEN of all ages; more specifically, computer systems were widely used for word processingalongside writing. ICT may be applied in an effort to fill the void in terms of inclusion whilst accordinglycounterbalancing any contribution and differences in terms of the inclusion of those learners with SEN. However, in aneffort to achieve this, there is a need for teaching to be adapted to the needs of students, with pedagogy needing to beincorporated alongside technology. In regard to further research, suggestions could include more comparableresearches or researches concerning the potential of one-to-one for those students with SEN.
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